Transparency in Police Discipline: Recent Developments
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On December 6, 2021, NJ LERA will be holding its last “virtual” program of the year on a very hot topic: “Transparency in Police Discipline: Recent Developments”. For most of the past 30 years, it was accepted among the labor community that disciplinary and internal affairs documents of police officers were held with the highest level of secrecy. In light of recent current events, that public policy is giving way to the competing principle of “transparency”.
Our panel of stakeholders, who are on the front line of labor developments involving law enforcement, will cover topics including Attorney General Directives 5 and 6 (publicizing information about major discipline by law enforcement officers), NJ Supreme Court and Appellate Division cases ordering the disclosure of Internal Affairs Records under the common law right of public access, and civilian review boards (including the debate over their subpoena power).
Per NJ LERA’s tripartite tradition of management, unions and neutrals, our speakers will be:
- Lori Linskey, Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor
- Chief Robert Verry, Hearing Officer
- Cpt. John J. Chrystal III, President Newark Superior Officers Association
Online via Zoom
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